10 Ways to be Happier… Today!

Hello, friends! When something is on my heart I want to get it out there into the universe. Today I want to talk about happiness. Our minds are powerful. What we focus on expands regardless of it being good or bad. I had to unteach myself this for years and I still slip here and there. However, I know if I focus on aspects of my life that I don’t love...I get more of that. But if I focus on falling hard for the process and the stepping stones that light me up, I will get more of THAT. Let’s dive into how we can bring more joy, more love and more peace into our lives because who doesn’t want more of that?! 💛

If you are struggling to find happiness, or want to feel more content and vibrant, here are my favorite tips to get out of that funk:

  1. Gratitude 🙏 - You can’t be anxious and grateful at the same time. So when you find yourself starting to slip, think of 5 things that you are grateful right in that moment! Even better, start your day with this practice and jot a few of them down in a notebook from your nightstand before your feet hit the floor to start your day. Remember, what you focus on expands, so the more gratitude, the better!

  2. Smile 😁 - Sounds too simple, but it works! Smiling causes the brain to release dopamine (the happy hormone!) so next time you’re feeling low, crack a smile and see what happens.

  3. Exercise 💪 - Not only is exercise good for your body, it is good for your mental health too! If you start to notice your mood getting low, try taking a walk! This is another happy hormone inducing activity so you won’t regret it. Promise.

  4. Eat Right 🥗 - Like exercise, food obviously has an impact on our bodies, but also is a big factor in our moods as well! The more whole, nutrient dense food you reach for, the better you will feel. A sugary snack may seem like the answer, but I can promise you it won’t be in the long run!

  5. Sleep Well 💤- Sleep health and hygiene is so important in the function of our day to day happiness. I know if I don’t get enough I have less energy as well as less patience. #justbeinghonest Focus on a nice nighttime routine and getting 7-8 hours of sleep. It is a priority if you want to feel your best the next day.

  6. Just Breathe 💨 - Another tip that seems too simple, but I promise you it is effective. When you start to feel stressed out take a minute to control your breathing. Breathe slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth or nose. Repeat several times until you notice yourself relaxing.

  7. Do Something Nice 💖 - This is one of my favorites! It can be something as simple as giving a stranger a compliment or reaching out to an old friend to see how they are doing. Doing something nice for someone else is a surefire way to get yourself feeling happy.

  8. Ditch the Phone 📱 - I know, I know. But oftentimes it is our phones that are stressing us out or causing us unhappiness. Sometimes it is good to even embrace the boredom! What did we do before cell phones? I try and play this game as often as I can. Talk to a stranger, read a magazine in the waiting room. Anything but reaching for the phone when I am feeling a little down.

  9. Get in Nature 🌳 - Studies show that spending time in green places can have numerous health benefits. Plus, Mother Nature is pretty cool, right? Get lost in nature and find a little joy! Bonus: add some exercise by going on a hike.

  10. Last but not least, your Essential Oils of course! 💧 - If you have been around for a while then you know that essential oils have physical health properties as well as emotional ones. I love to reach for these when I need an instant pick me up:

    ✅ Citrus Bliss
    ✅ Cheer
    ✅ Lime
    ✅ Lemon
    ✅ Grapefruit
    ✅ Madagascar Vanilla

What lights you up and makes you feel happy?
Do more of that! (And share your tips with the rest of us in the comments please!)

Keeli Martinez