5 Things I Love from dōTERRA Right Now

If you have been around for a while, then you know I am obsessed (and I mean obsessed) with dōTERRA and the products they have to offer. If you are new here, then welcome! Hi, my name is Keeli and I have a wellness addiction.🤚 Today I wanted to share with you the top 5 products I am living for from dōTERRA right now. Let’s dive in!

1 . Vegan Lifelong Vitality 🌿 - Did you know? dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® is one of the company’s best selling products. It is no wonder when you realize that these incredible supplements are full of essential nutrients, metabolism benefits and antioxidants. They were formulated to supplement a healthy lifestyle to promote energy, health and wellbeing.

My fiancé Brad and I have been taking the regular LLV for years but we recently made the decision to give the Vegan formulation a try to see how our bodies do with it!

2. Face Mineral Sunscreen Daily Moisturizer 🌞 - I am so excited because this is a brand new product that just became available! This moisturizer was dermatologist-tested and is a broad-spectrum SPF 28 sunscreen that is meant for daily use.

I would highly recommend wearing it daily underneath your makeup. Sunscreen is something I'm really passionate about ever since I had skin cancer on my face. This moisturizer is free of toxins and will be protecting your face all day long. Learn more here: https://www.doterra.com/US/en/p/face-mineral-sunscreen-daily-moisturizer

3. Correct X 🩹 - I buy this stuff in bulk for real. Correct X is dōTERRA’s natural healing ointment. This is like Neosporin but without the toxic junk. I use this for so many things from dry skin, scratches and boo boos to dry lips. It is great to use if your sinuses get dried out, you can put a little inside your nostrils. Another use is for undereye circles! You can toss one in the fridge and apply in the morning to reduce puffiness.

Composed of the powerhouse oils of Frankincense, Helichrysum, Tea Tree, Cedarwood, and Lavender it is no surprise it is amazing for all things skin. Get a few of these in your hands today! You can never have too many. Trust me. 😆

4. Terrazyme 🍞 - I do not go a day without these babies! Terrazyme are our digestive enzymes that support the body through the digestion process and help turn nutrients to energy. If your diet is lacking in sufficient food enzymes, then your body will struggle to do its daily functions. This whole food supplement is a great way to ensure you are getting sufficient enzymes in your diet.

Pro-tip: If you struggle with lactose, taking 2 of these before eating dairy will help you to digest and enjoy your favorite treats!

5. PB Assist+/PB Assist Jr. 💗 - I know I keep saying this, but another product myself and my kiddos don’t go a day without! PB Assist+ includes prebiotic fiber and six strains of probiotic microorganisms (6 billion CFUs to be exact!) that are delivered to the digestive system in a unique double encapsulated system. Not just any old probiotic that’s for sure!

PB Assist Jr is perfect for kids (or adults that aren’t a fan of pills) because it is a powdered probiotic supplement. It’s Natural Strawberry Melon flavor is so good your kids will be begging for them! As a mom, that’s what I call a win/win!

By now you know, I love dōTERRA and their products. I think that they're brilliant, and I would never go a day without it. I have been an advocate for dōTERRA for almost 10 years now. I think it's life changing that if you're truly wanting to live a more natural lifestyle, if you're desiring to take better care of your health, that you have these incredible options at your fingertips. I know essential oils can feel a little bit overwhelming when you're first getting into them, but once you start you utilizing them, you begin to see how they work for your life, for your health and for your body, you will never go back.

I encourage you to use your oils and your supplements. Start your routine, start taking care of yourself. You get to advocate for yourself, your own health, your own wellness, and your own vitality. Xoxo.

Keeli Martinez