Sun Safety with Essential Oils

🚨 SAFETY FIRST - As we inch closer and closer to summer, I want to take the opportunity to ensure that you are always using your oils safely. It is my duty as an essential oil educator to remind you of the photosensitivity that some essential oils have. What does that mean exactly?

When we use certain oils topically where the sun is exposed to our skin, our skin can get a bit red and tender.

Almost all citrus oils are photosensitive and should be avoided topically before entering direct sunlight or artificial UV rays (think tanning beds or booths).

☀️ If you will be heading out in the sun, be sure any rollers or sprays you apply that contain citrus oils are applied “where the sun don’t shine” AKA the bottoms of your feet, under your clothes, etc.

The following oils and blends have been labeled as photosensitive by dōTERRA: AromaTouch®, Bergamot, doTERRA Breathe®, doTERRA Cheer®, Citrus Bliss®, Clementine, Cumin, Elevation, doTERRA Forgive®, Grapefruit, InTune®, Kumquat, Lemon, Lime, doTERRA Motivate®, doTERRA On Guard®, Purify, Slim & Sassy®, Sunny Citrus, Tangerine, Wild Orange and Zendocrine®.

Now that we have gone over the important stuff, who is ready for summer?!

Keeli Martinez