Living in a Low Tox Household - 5 of my Favorite Hacks

If you are newer to the natural living game, then you probably made some pretty terrifying discoveries once you started diving into the ingredients of some of the most traditional or advertised products (looking at you Dawn, Tide, and Clorox). Luckily, you are in the right place because dōTERRA has your back! Today I will be sharing with you five of my favorite low tox essential oil hacks for the home. 🌱

I have never once regretted the switch to more natural options, I only wish I made it sooner! Essential oils are better for you, your family, your pets, the environment and even your wallet. How can you go wrong? Let’s get started exploring the many options we have available to us as dōTERRA customers!

  1. DIY All Purpose Spray - this is first and foremost the #1 most used cleaning item in my home. This spray gets used daily. How to make it:

    2 Tablespoons of On Guard Cleaning Concentrate
    15 drops Essential Oil of your choice (suggestions include: Lemon, Wild Orange, Grapefruit but feel free to use what you love!)
    Top with distilled water

    ✅ Add all ingredients to a 16 oz spray bottle. Shake thoroughly and spritz on surfaces and wipe clean! Perfect for use all throughout the house. This will literally cost you less than $2.00 for a full spray! I use this stuff on everything.

2. Fresh Sheet Spray - There is nothing better than fresh sheets on the bed. I like to spray my sheets down once I have changed them using this recipe:
1 tsp Witch Hazel or Vodka
30 drops Lavender (or essential oil of choice)
✅ Directions:
Add witch hazel, water, and essential oil into a 2 oz spray bottle and spray linens!
Bonus: the Lavender will help you relax and drift off to dreamland. 😴

3. Fruit & Veggie Wash - Getting fresh fruits and veggies in your home helps you and your family to grab healthy snacks throughout the day. The only unfortunate side of the produce section or farmers market is most of the produce has been sprayed with pesticides and then also a waxy coating to give them that nice, shiny appearance. 🤢
Once produce makes its way into my kitchen the first thing I do is clean it.

✅ My fruit and veggie wash options are:
¼ cup White or Apple Cider Vinegar
10 drops Lemon essential oil
Fill the rest of your 8 oz spray bottle with distilled water, shake and spray away!


you can fill your sink or a bowl with water, add 3-5 drops of Lemon essential oil, 3-4 pumps of On Guard foaming hand wash, swish, and let the produce soak for 5-10 minutes and rinse clean!
🤩 Bonus: I have found this will also help preserve the freshness of your produce!

4. Make Up Remover Wipes - This DIY recipe for makeup remover wipes will cleanse and nourish the skin all while removing your makeup for the day.

2 tablespoons witch hazel
2 tablespoons Fractionated Coconut Oil
2 tablespoons distilled water
1–2 drops Tea Tree oil

✅ Directions:
1. Combine witch hazel, Fractionated Coconut Oil, and water in a small bowl and stir.
2. Add Tea Tree essential oil.
3. Use a serrated knife to cut the roll of paper towels in half widthwise and remove the tube from one half.
4. Put the half without the tube in an airtight container, then pour the solution over the roll.
5. Replace lid and shake.
6. To use, pull wipes from the center and wipe off makeup.

5. DIY Body Wash - I love a little DIY project, especially one that is good for me and smells great too. Give this a try and let us know what you think!

✅ You will need:
8 oz glass pump bottle
1/2 cup unscented castile soap
4 tbsp vegetable glycerin
3 tbsp fractionated coconut oil (FCO)
10 drops of your favorite essential oil (Citrus Bliss, Peppermint, Grapefruit or Lime are great ones to try)
Combine ingredients in the glass bottle and enjoy!

Have you tried any of these recipes yet? What are your favorite DIYs with essential oils? Let us know in the comments! Sharing is caring. 💜

Keeli Martinez